Why In-Home Support is Required Now More Than Ever

Did you know that over one-fifth of the world population aged above 60 years has a mental health issue?Among these, Major Depressive Disorder, Dementia, and Anxiety are the most common.

Note that senior citizens have higher chances of experiencing comorbidities. And the urgent need to stay

indoors as much as possible has only made matters worse. 

Their daily routines have been disrupted, the mortality rates have increased, & in the midst of all this,

they grapple with adapting to technologies, including telemedicine. 

Besides, extreme isolation has increased the intensity of or triggered their existing mental health

conditions. But there are other reasons why older adults need in-home support now more than ever:

  • Assistance in maintaining hygiene 

Caregivers help the elderly in cleaning their hands often, taking a proper bath, and preparing and

serving healthy meals.

  • Managing stress due to the encouraged ‘no-contact behavior’

Such specialists have the know-how in helping the senior citizens deal with anxiety & feelings of

sadness felt due to lesser human contact.

  • Prevent the attack of the virus

By preparing meals with green veggies that boost immunity, making them have nuts, citrus fruits, &

regulating their sleep cycle, etc., they help the elderly stay fit as a fiddle.

Now that we’ve made it clear why your loved one needs a caregiver, consider hiring the in-home support specialists at Bestcare HomeCare.


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