Caregivers near Gaithersburg, MD: How to Care for Someone with Alzheimer's?

 Alzheimer's is a disease that destroys an individual's brain cells and alters his behaviour, memory, and thoughts. In this article, we have shared some tips from Caregivers near Gaithersburg, MD, during Alzheimer's.

You might have watched the movie 'The Notebook' in which Allie was admitted to the nursing home due to Alzheimer's. The movie was all about challenges experienced by a person while he is struggling with Alzheimer's disease.

Statistics reveal that almost 5.7 million individuals were struggling with Alzheimer's disease in the US in the year 2016. These individuals are in the habit of forgetting things and need assistance from family members, friends, or, at times or hire caregivers near Gaithersburg, MD .32% of caregivers look after individuals with Dementia for five or more years.

These professionals provide the following caregiving services to Alzheimer's patients. Before that, let us understand this disease in a detailed manner:

Everything about Alzheimer's Disease

As the disease progresses, the caregivers experience a lot of challenges. Understand the stages so that the desired treatment can be taken accordingly.

Alzheimer's is classified into three forms:




Mild: Those with a mild Alzheimer's disease are still able to function properly and perform day-to-day tasks independently. They participate in social and professional events enthusiastically. Some of them have a hard time concentrating or retaining things. They might forget certain words or names. Writing or problem-solving are some of the tasks that these patients are unable to perform.

Moderate: An individual with moderate Alzheimer's disease may experience physical symptoms, significant memory loss, or has a perplexed state of mind.

During the moderate stage, the patients are more likely to experience the following things:

Hard to recognize family members and friends.

Hassles while performing organizing tasks or following the instructions.

Difficulties while performing everyday tasks, including dressing.

Personality changes.

Wandering or feeling lost.

Urinary problems.


The severe stage is the final stage of Alzheimer's disease. During this phase, the patient needs help in almost everything, including sitting, walking, and eating. These patients are unable to engage themselves in meaningful conversations with others. They may encounter issues while chewing or swallowing.

*Recognizing the family members and friends seems impossible for them.

Create a Routine and Stick to it

Help caregivers lead a hassle-free life by making a proper routine for them. Avoid making alterations to the routine as it confuses them to a great extent.

In some cases, we can't do anything, including introducing a new care provider or changing the care settings. Caregivers at Gaithersburg, MD, should make these routine changes slowly and steadily.

Engage the Patients in Conversation

Engaging in meaningful conversations is one of the biggest challenges experienced by Alzheimer's patients. At times these individuals may lose track in the middle of the sentence. Caregivers near Gaithersburg MD, implement the following things to make communication easier for them:

Establish eye contact while talking and smile.

Ask one question at a time.

Have an open and relaxed body language.

The tone of the caregivers must be soft and polite. Avoid performing baby talking or oversimplifying the things for them.

Don't lose temper even when they have angry outbursts.

In conclusion, Caregivers are more likely to experience both positive and negative experiences with Alzheimer's patients. All this is possible when you have a polite and organized caregiver near Gaithersburg, MD by your side. 


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