Need for Caregivers

With the rise in working hours, people are developing a chronic condition at an increasing rate. The services of such specialists thus become even more crucial.

Besides having a chronic condition, aging has staggering effects on an individual, significantly limiting his everyday functioning &, thus, quality of life. The need for an attendant is a necessity in these situations. 

Things that seem pretty simple—excretion, dressing, etc.—to healthy individuals are a task to be accomplished for the elderly or those having a chronic disease.

But wait, there’s more:

  • Emotional support

Companionship is a fundamental human need. Having no one to talk to or consult breeds loneliness, which may cause depression or other mental health conditions. These attendants fill the emotional void in these patients’ lives.

  • Foster mental health:

By attending to their daily needs and thus giving them more confidence, such specialists reinstill a sense of autonomy in the patients. This is important for the person to feel self-reliant and have a positive view of himself.

  • Improve the quality of life

A combination of the above-listed points improves the overall quality of life of the patient, which is the ultimate goal of caregiving.

But something that is not perhaps emphasized enough is that caregivers act as mediums to soften the blow felt by those who are disabled or have a chronic disease. 

They give the affected individual the necessary verbal & non-verbal reassurance that things will be fine so that they come out of the shock & feel less distressed.    

It is time that people recognize the value of their contribution to society & not hesitate to reach out to them in need.


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